
pspr-type網路推薦好評商品就在露天,超多商品可享折扣優惠和運費補助。缺貨【PSP原版片】☆R-TYPE戰略版☆日文亞版全新品【特價優惠】台中星光電玩缺貨【PSP原版 ...,Description:R-TypeCommandisaStrategyvideogamepublishedbyAtlusreleasedonMay5th,2008forthePlayStationPortable..isoCRC-32:701b96c7 ...,PrepareforInterstellarTacticalWarfare!InR-TypeCommandplayersarecasthead-firstintoadesperatewaragainstthemyster...

psp r-type - 人氣推薦

psp r-type 網路推薦好評商品就在露天,超多商品可享折扣優惠和運費補助。缺貨【PSP原版片】☆ R-TYPE 戰略版☆日文亞版全新品【特價優惠】台中星光電玩缺貨【PSP原版 ...


Description: R-Type Command is a Strategy video game published by Atlus released on May 5th, 2008 for the PlayStation Portable. .iso CRC-32: 701b96c7 ...

R-Type Command - Sony PSP

Prepare for Interstellar Tactical Warfare! In R-Type Command players are cast head-first into a desperate war against the mysterious alien race known as the ...

R-Type Command | R-Type Wiki

R-Type Tactics (アール・タイプ タクティクス Āru Taipu Takutikusu), known in North America as R-Type Command, is a turn-based strategy game/tactical ...


R-Type Tactics known in North America as R-Type Command, is a turn-based strategy/tactical role-playing game released in 2007 in Japan, and 2008 in North ...

R-TYPE 戰略版 - ACG 資料庫

《R-TYPE》是IREM 於1987 年所推出的大型電玩橫向捲軸射擊遊戲,以無敵輔助武裝「Force」、積蓄能量波動炮、融合有機與機械的敵人、巨大的頭目角色.


缺貨【PSP原版片】☆ R-TYPE 戰略版☆日文亞版全新品【特價優惠】台中星光電玩 · $99,999. 價格持平. 露天拍賣. 台中星光電玩專賣店(16661). 缺貨【PSP原版片】☆ ...

正版PSP R-type Tactics T

正版PSP R-type Tactics T-type戰略版遊戲片( 光碟. $1,200. 尚無評價. 1 已售出. icon like. free shipping image. 免運費. 滿$299,免運費. icon local shipping.